A software company

Totally Digital in a nutshell, we help you get the most out of your software.

Launch your business with the right set of tools and focus on the revenue, we've got the rest covered for you.

Free consultation

Let's talk about your business, what do you currently use and draw the line where your needs are not met, it's totally free.


Trusted client by a growing number of businesses

In 2019 we started this journey with just one goal, to offer better services than what is considered to be the standard these days.

The software project cycle

What are the main stages in a development project?

1. Business analysis

Together we can talk about your business and find the operations and constraints that collectively form your processes; every business uses these processes to create systems that get things done.

2. Design & prototyping

The requirements are converted into a software design plan, specifying the technologies, time frames and the budget needed to develop it as well as how it will look.

3. The development phase

While we build your "ship", we will be in constant communication about your project’s progress. The communication channels that have worked best with our clients over the years are progress meetings and tracking tools they can access at any time.

4. Testing

You get a stronger product when you test and develop iteratively. The final testing phase before the software is deployed is called user testing and is simulating how a normal user would use the system which helps finding issues that may not be obvious to our developers.

Our tech stack

What is a tech stack?

A tech stack combines the technologies an organization uses to build software and includes things like programming languages, frameworks, libraries, patterns, servers, UI/UX solutions, software, and tools used.

  • Applications & Data
  • PHP
  • Utilities
  • Google Analytics
  • Devops
  • Git
  • Business Tools
  • Asana

Our collaborators

We collaborate with organisations, individuals and networks who share our commitment to help other businesses grow through the services we offer and together we produce the strongest results in different areas.

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