Working with us

Ninety Angle is a software company with expertise in automation, digitalization, data analysis and smart solutions.

We offer software solutions for businesses and people.

Custom software

Software has infiltrated both within the businesses as well as outside of them. It helps you manage, analyse, present and talk to other people and businesses.

  • Websites & cloud applications
  • From presentation websites to cloud applications working with large amounts of data to systems supporting your whole business, we can define it, build it and maintain it for you.
  • Mobile applications
  • eCommerce, management, extra features to your internal software suite or consumer facing standalone apps, mobile application development is open for discussion
  • Tools
  • Scripts, single responsability software or small automations
  • API's & Integrations
  • We develop well documented, secure API's for you to connect with other businesses with ease.

Software as a Service(SaaS)

Our end-to-end approach to SaaS product development services allows us to implement all the components required for a successful SaaS solution. Deliver your platform to the users as fast as possible while ensuring the stability and reliability of your service.

  • SaaS application development
  • API & Integrations
  • Data analysis
  • A/B testing
  • Multi-tenancy
  • Fault tolerance
  • Scalability on demand


If you're looking to improve the performance levels for your team, simplify the processes and reduce the operational costs, through automation we can help you out.

What can automation do?

  • Eliminate repetitive tasks
  • Simplify data gathering
  • Cross validate in seconds
  • Offer access to data from any device at any time
  • Reduce the number of processes


Paired with automation it aims to give you better control over your business relationships, the activity and the focus of your team and it serves as the ideal communication channel between you and your business.

What can digitalization do?

  • Provide overviews over large amounts of data in simple ways
  • Improve the speed and performance in your business procedures
  • Enhance the business ability to scale
  • Eliminate traditional bottlenecks like location lock-in or organization problems
  • Provide channels to communicate faster and more concise with people or other organizations

Security & disaster recovery

It is easy to lose sight of security and recovery plans, it doesn't bother you until it happens.

Over the years, there was a tremendous number of security breaches, data loss and ransome situations and it happend to both small companies and monoliths. No one was spared and everyone was wondering why aren't we more prepared for these kind of events.

Go wonder.

We don't lack competent people, strategies or tools, but businesses can't estimate how much to invest in something that either might never happen or take place once and bring down the whole thing.

Here is a humble checklist for what aspects we can attack and mitigate in regards to security and disaster recovery:

  • Address security in software arhitecture, code
  • Provide your staff with sufficient training in AppSec risks and skills
  • Analyze your application security risk profile and create procedures to mitigate operational mistakes and risks
  • Full, Differential and Incremental backups
  • Mirroring
  • Automated restore points and deployments
  • Backup-as-a-service(BaaS)

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